
Loss of of Family in Shawn Mendes Family

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Loss Of Family Quotes

Quotes tagged equally "loss-of-family" Showing one-30 of 45
Jonathan Harnisch
"Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left implied and never explained."
Jonathan Harnisch, Freak

Rob Liano
"The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved ane is the price we pay to have had them in our lives."
Rob Liano

Shannon L. Alder
"God whispered, "You endured a lot. For that I am truly sorry, just grateful. I needed you to struggle to help so many. Through that process you would grow into who y'all have at present become. Didn't yous know that I gave all my struggles to my favorite children? One only needs to look at the struggles given to your older brother Jesus to know how important you accept been to me."
Shannon L. Alder

"Loss is only temporary when you believe in God!"
Latoya Alston

Shannon L. Alder
"It is not love that keeps us stuck in the past. Beloved fades over time. What introspective hearts seek is simply unanswered questions most why terrible things tin happen to very good people. Closure never comes from reflection. It simply comes from God's guidance and promptings."
Shannon L. Alder

"Loss is like a wind, it either carries you to a new destination or information technology traps yous in an ocean of stagnation. You must quickly learn how to navigate the canvas, for stagnation is death."
Val Uchendu

Nikita Dudani
"Memories is all that yous take, which help you lot survive the storms and struggles of your daily life after you lose someone!"
Nikita Dudani

"The mindset of loss of a loved i is to understand that the loss will never be undone. Yous must live with it, like it or not. But, to alive well, you must turn that loss into something positive. That way, you tin go the best version of yourself; scarred, flawed and unstoppable"
Val Uchendu

Shaun Hamill
"Living with a family wounded past a loss you can't call back is like sitting behind a tall person at a flick theater. The people around you are laughing, crying, reacting to something, but you have no thought what."
Shaun Hamill, A Cosmology of Monsters

Robin Roe
"He sounds so tired. "I know if there was any choice at all, they wouldn't have left me lone. They would take made sure I was taken care of."
In a heartbeat, a thousand memories at once. All the times I knew things I couldn't have known. All the times he was assigned to me.
"Julian," I say, "possibly they did."
Robin Roe, A List of Cages

Pawan Mishra
"Like a deep deplorable note
played beneath the sea
waving through the orb
the memories of you lot
the bittersweet echoes
infixed forever in my middle"
Pawan Mishra

Emmy Marucci
"this loss
feels like
an ache
between my ribs

it'south sad
and scary

but soft
and steady

it'due south always in that location
humming loudly
beneath it all

beneath it all

it rests
just whispers


information technology just takes
of missing you
to make it roar"
Emmy Marucci, Tell Me Another Story: Poems of You and Me

Carrie Firestone
"Have the pain and abound beauty...You know I've e'er loved volcanoes. I love how they spew searing, deadly lava that goes on to nurture the most beautiful landscapes on earth. It'southward from searing hurting that the deepest dazzler tin sprout"
Carrie Firestone, The Loose Ends Listing

Celia Rees
"She was all that I knew, all that was dear. I'd loved her and she'd loved me. Now I was alone in the world. How would I practice without her? My thoughts echoed the landlady: What would get of me?"
Celia Rees, Witch Kid

Dana Arcuri
"Grief is like the sea. The waves ebb and catamenia. Sometimes the water is calm. Other times information technology'south turbulent. In guild to survive, I had to acquire to swim. In moments when I struggled with massive waves of grief, I rode it out."
Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark

M. Reed McCall
"Don't spend too much fourth dimension grieving for me, Elena. I know you're probably a little deplorable every bit yous're reading this, since that means I'1000 expressionless and you're having to larn how to go along in a new way. I would exist deplorable if you lot didn't miss me, then I won't tell you not to, but I will tell yous to go along on living. The world is full of beautiful music, flowers, places, and experiences. Savour information technology all as much as you can. Just retrieve information technology'south the people in your life that make it worthwhile...People and memories, not things are what's important in the end. Cypher else matters every bit much as that."
One thousand. Reed McCall, Moose Tracks on the Road to Heaven

Kerry Cue
"Grief is times bailiff sent to evict you lot from your old life. Its black warrant demands of y'all hard labour. There can be no escape of reprieve. Yous must toil laying down the foundation stones of credence, stone past rock, until yous have paved your way to your new life."
Kerry Cue, Forgotten Wisdom

Dana Arcuri
"Grief is messy. It'south traumatic. Devastating. Confusing. Exhausting. Grief is a natural procedure of our man experience. May y'all discover comfort in these unexpected places along your journeying."
Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Organized religion In The Nighttime

Stewart Stafford
"The privilege of living a long life comes at a price -the increasing loss of those nosotros know and love around usa."
Stewart Stafford

"Gone y'all are and before I,
another star to beautify the sky.
Take me with you for I thirst to die,
you never did wish to meet me cry"
Lavinia Valeriana, Adrift in Acheron

Eliza Maxwell
"Jenna didn't have emotions to spare for other people'due south hurting."
Eliza Maxwell, The Widow's Watcher

Dana Arcuri
"Understand there's no correct or wrong fashion to grieve, including anticipatory grief. It's like the ocean. It ebbs and it flows. There can be moments of calm. But out of nowhere, it can feel similar you're drowning."
Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Night

Albert Espinosa
"Deberíamos tener un manual de instrucciones que pudiéramos abrir cuando perdemos al padre porque es una situación que cambia todas las reglas de juego."
Albert Espinosa, Lo que te diré cuando te vuelva a ver

Elizabeth  Ferris
"Positively Georgia's Guide to Surviving Grief aims to help teens and adults deal positively with the loss of a loved one. Georgia is an illustrated Airedale Terrier who is full of energy and inspiring ideas. Always experiencing the earth with love and appreciation, Georgia steps readers through a number of ideas and strategies to heal from loss and move on to recover a happy, rewarding life"
Elizabeth Ferris

Belinda Alexandra
"All my life precious people had come and gone and I was learning not to cling to anyone anymore. p273"
Belinda Alexandra, White Gardenia

Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
The pain doesn't elevate, it shrivels. Far from improving us, it weakens u.s.. It does not lead to sublime thoughts, information technology condemns people to no longer call up at all.
Hurting is not an ennobling privilege, quite a knocking down scourge.

" La douleur northward'élève pas, elle ratatine. Loin de nous améliorer, elle nous amenuise. Elle ne conduit pas à des pensées sublimes, elle condamne à ne plus penser du tout.
La douleur n'a rien d'un privilège qui ennoblit, tout d'united nations fléau qui fout à terre. "

( Journal d'un amour perdu - 2019 - Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt )"
Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Journal d'un amour perdu

"Mr.Vanders closes his watering eyes and turns his night face to the sun. Jane tin can see every fine line crisscrossing his skin and wonders if the day will come when sudden petty details volition stop existence nigh Aunt Magnolia, when the lines in the face up of an old person won't make her recall, Aunt Magnolia will never exist that old."
Kristin Cashore, Jane, Unlimited

"It's hard for Jane to miss something she can't recall. Or does some part of her miss information technology? Might it exist buried and unseen, but something on which the whole of her life rests, like the foundations of a building?"
Kristin Cashore, Jane, Unlimited

Laura Thalassa
"Lazarus," he says, his face fierce, "nothing really goes. It transforms, but transmutation isn't actually lost or gone at all. Y'all were you before you had a body, and you volition still exist y'all when you no longer accept 1. A caterpillar might go a butterfly—and a man might become a spirit—but it is even so the same essence. Information technology has merely been transformed."
Laura Thalassa, Decease

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